----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Lister "Readme.txt" file for v0.5.2. (C) 2002 Copyright by Leszek Skorczynski http://freeware.prv.pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- General rules: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directories for diskettes are not read upon start. You must click on its icon to force reading directories. You can always press 'F5' to clear and update directory structure (eg. when you change CDs). Preview window in Windows 9x is limited to ~32kB size so it does not display whole listing if it's too big. However, the listing is properly saved to the disk. If you press 'Cancel' button during listing generation then CRC32 value will be not properly counted for the last file. Selecting directories: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checked white box - list this directory and all subdirectories recursively. Checked gray box - list this directory but not all of its subfolders (not all could also be none) Gray box - list some of the subdirectories of this directory White box - do not list this directory So if you check a directory with a 'checked white box' then you can add/delete its subfolders and always updated subdirectories will be listed. Command line usage: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DirLister.exe [/l directories.dls output.txt] [/o configuration.dlc] directories.dls - previously saved list of directories to list output.txt - listing itself configuration.dlc - previously saved user configuration Example: C:\Program Files\Directory Lister\DirLister.exe /l c:\my documents\ftpdirs.dls c:\ftp\file_listing.html /o c:\my documents\myconf1.dlc Shortcut keys: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F5 - refresh folders view F12 - Switch between 'Select directories' / 'Preview' Include box: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Subdirs checkbox - this will display subdirectories apart from files. * Name checkbox - this will display file / subdirectory name. * Size checkbox - this will display the file size and string for subdirectories. * Date checkbox - this will display file / subdirectory date. * Time checkbox - this will display file / subdirectory time. * Attributes checkbox - this will display file / subdirectory attributes, where 'r' is readonly, 'a' is archive, 'h' is hidden, 's' is system. * CRC32 checkbox - this will display the file CRC32 value (exactly the same as in zip/rar archives). WARNING! This could take a lot of time! * Dir names checkbox - this will display directory name above the files / subdirectories listing. If you also check Name checkbox, directory name will be sourrounded with two lines consisting of '-' chars. * Dir size checkbox - this will display directory size above the files / subdirrectories listing. If you set mask different than "*.*" the size will be counted only from files which match the mask. * File path checkbox - this will display files / subdirectories with full path, not only the file / subdirectory name. * File count checkbox - this will display file count (in brackets) for each directory just after directory name. This option works only if 'Dir names' option is checked. * Path should be radio buttons - this options concerns paths for files (if you check 'File path' checkbox) and directories. Full - will display whole path No drive - will not display just the drive letter No parent dir - will display the path starting from the top-most white-checkbox selected directory. Options box: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generate HTML - this will generate HTML page with the listing or if unchecked - ordinary text file. * Listing for each folder - this will generate listing in each listed directory under the name taken from 'Name:' edit. Extension is automatically added (txt or html). This file will NOT be generated if 'Sort files all together' option is checked. WARNING! This file is ALWAYS overwritten so be sure not to choose a name that will delete your own files! * Mask - only files / subdirectories which match the mask will be listed. Subdirectories which don't match the mask will not be displayed when Subdirs checkbox is checked. You can specify multiple masks separating them with ";" e.g: *.avi;*.txt Wildcards (*?) are allowed as well as sets ([a-z] [!d]). Example: - Files not starting from a,b,c; having 4 characters in name and any extension: [!a-c]???.* * Sort files all together - this option will sort files as if they were in one directory. This option works only if 'Dir names' and 'Dir size' options are unchecked. If any of them is checked, uncheck this option to boost performance. * Sort items - causes files to be sorted as well as directories tree. If you uncheck this, directories tree will not be unsorted. * Descending - this will list all items in one directory reversely, so the subdirectories (if checked) will be at the end. * Sort by - you can choose how to sort items in directory. * Size display - displays file sizes in Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes or - Dynamic - depending on the size, in proper measure. * Size precision - when you choose Size display other than Bytes this is the number of decimal digits after the point.